Symply Too Good to be True: Over 150 Ways to Tasty, Low-fat Healthy Recipes (Paperback)
llustrated with full-page, close-up color photographs of every mouth-watering dish, Symply Too Good To Be True: American Version is a compendium of over 150 delicious, low-fat, healthy recipes. A bonus 28-day weight loss plan is included to help readers get started on positive diet and lifestyle change. In addition to the easy-to-follow cooking directions, Symply Too Good To Be True features nutritional information for each dish, including calories, fat and saturated fat, sodium, carbs, sugar, fiber, and protein per serving. Delicacies range from the basic Ham and Cheese Omelette to Chicken Pizziola, Lite Pesto, Deluxe Potato Salad, Strawberries Romannette, and much more. A "must-have" for anyone who wants to prepare healthier meals without sacrificing taste! By Midwest Book Review
Easy-to-read, enticing to the senses, and a nutshell, this is //Symply Too Good To Be True//. Annette Sym's low-fat cookbook is chockfull of interesting and delectable recipes for the savvy connoisseur who may be looking for recipes that are healthier, yet just as delicious as less-healthy recipes.
Sym shares her unique perspective with the reader in a photo montage of how she has struggled with her weight her entire life. With a rather astounding loss of seventy pounds, Sym is a figure with some personal knowledge of the importance of healthier eating. //Symply Too Good To Be True// has a wide variety of recipes--some modified from classic favorites, and some more innovative and unexpected.
This cookbook is divided up into sections by food type (such as "Soups and Salads," "Meal Sides," "Pasta Sauces," "Main Courses," and "Desserts"), and each recipe includes a full-size picture of what the final dish should look like. The recipes generally do not have long, complex steps to follow, and nutritional information is also included on each dish. Some particularly enticing recipes include those for Oven-Baked Bries, Tuna Patties, Mango Chicken, Fried Rice and Stir Fries, Chocolate Mousse Pie, and Strawberries Romanette. Reviewed by Susie Kopecky